Sunday, 24 June 2012

Side Effects of Deflazacort

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Skin Lesions: Acne is a term used to describe small, fluid- or pus-filled skin lesions that develop due to inflammation of the oil-producing glands in the skin. Acne may be embarrassing and may be tender or painful to the touch. Patients who develop stretch marks may notice long, thin lines of discolored skin across their thighs, stomach or breasts.

Recurrent Infections: Corticosteroids, such as deflazacort, interfere with the normal function of a patient's immune system. Patients may have a more difficult time fighting off infection while receiving treatment with this medication. Patients may develop recurrent infections, such as the flu, a cold or pneumonia, or they may find it takes longer for their skin to heal following injury.

Muscle or Bone Weakness : Treatment with deflazacort may cause bone or muscle wasting, which leads to decreased muscle strength and bone weakness in affected patients. Excessive bone loss may result in the development of osteoporosis, a bone disease that makes a patient's bones more susceptible to fractures.

Cushing's syndrome: Patients who use this medication excessively or for a prolonged period of time may develop a condition called Cushing's syndrome. Persistent exposure to corticosteroids elevates the levels of cortical, a naturally occurring hormone, resulting in Cushing's syndrome. Symptoms associated with this condition include severe fatigue, increased blood sugar, bruising, back or body aches, weakness, elevated blood pressure or upper body weight gain.

Deflazacort is important for children to receive frequent physical checkups to ensure they meet appropriate developmental and growth milestones. The frequency of these side-effects is unknown abnormal laboratory test results, acne, adrenal problems, amenorrhea, appetite gain, blood problems. People who experience severe anaphylactic or allergic reactions or have certain types of inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis or asthma, may benefit from treatment with deflazacort.


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